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38 confirmed dead, 24 remain missing in China highway bridge collapse

XI’AN, Aug. 2 (Xinhua) — Thirty-eight people have been confirmed dead and 24 remained missing two weeks after a highway bridge collapse triggered by flash flood in northwest China’s Shaanxi Province, local authorities said Friday.
As of 6 p.m. Friday, 25 vehicles have been confirmed to have plunged into the Jinqian River on July 19 after the collapse of a 40-meter-long section of one side of a highway bridge in Zhashui County in the city of Shangluo. One person has been saved, according to the city government.
The 366-meter bridge spanning the Jinqian River is a part of the Danfeng-Ningshan expressway.
Over 3,400 professional rescuers from ministries, the armed forces, fire brigades and non-government rescue teams have conducted several rounds of search operations stretching 100 km downstream.
In the rescue efforts, the rescuers have used boats, drones, detectors and underwater robots, braving the rushing river water and unfavorable weather and geographical conditions.
The rescue operation is still underway. ■
